Portrait sessions at individual locations:

 Portraits: 250,- €


 - Personal consultation

 - 1-2 hours photo session

 - Individual editing of the photos

 - 25-30 motives on photo CD

 - 5 prints in 13x18 cm

 - 1 print in 20x30 cm




Individual application photos: 150,- €


 - Personal consultation

 - Research for location

 - 1-2 hours photo session

 - 8 different motives on photo CD

 - individual editing of the photos

 - 4 prints 8 x 5 cm or 6 x 4,5 cm
   of two chosen motives




Travelling costs are not included in the prices stated above. The travelling expenses will be added to the total fee.

Portrait sessions at the studio:

Application photos: 100,- €


 - 50 shots

 - 4 different motives on photo CD

 - individual editing of the photos

 - 4 prints 8 x 5 cm or
   6 x 4,5 cm of two motives



 Portraits: 150- €


 - Personal consultation

 - 1 hour photo session

 - Individual editing of the photos

 - 25-30 motives on photo CD

 - 5 prints in 13x18 cm,
   1 print in 20x30 cm